Pinball League Final Results
Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a winner!
The winner of the first ever Mordy Ducks Pinball League is Nick Larnach!
After a third place in round one, Nick went on to win the following three rounds in a row, and it means he takes home a verrry tidy prize including $200 in Uber Eats vouchers and a $50 Sporting Globe Mordy Voucher.
Nick consistently set scores well above the competition, including a score of 167 million on the Star Trek table, which most found to be very tricky to navigate.
A big thanks to all our competitors, we hope you enjoyed the distraction, but hopefully we haven’t given you a new addiction… we’re very tempted to buy a few Zen Pinball tables after the fun of Sorceror’s Lair.
Be amazing everyone, stay in touch and look after yourselves, mental health is so incredibly important.
Quack Quack!